RapID Tags are easy to use in three simple steps:







Reduce Study Costs

  • 100% accuracy | Eliminate errors
  • Increase tech efficiency
  • Multiple colors for quick visual ID
  • Easily and instantly scanned
  • Minimal user training

Streamline Operations

  • Automate data collection
  • Reduce human error
  • Low cost automation
  • MRI and CT Compatible
  • Virtually indestructible

RapID Tags – State-of-the-art Lab Identification

RapID Tags are virtually painless, humane, cost-effective mice ear tags providing fast and accurate lab animal identification. The most cost effective way to automate and reduce vivarium lab costs and data collection. RapID Tag’s innovative mouse tagging solution helps increase tech efficiency and trial capacity with minimal investment while reducing overall operational costs.

Product Comparison RapID Tags RFID Metal Ear Tags Ear Notching Tattoo
Most Humane Method Available
100% Accurate, Fast ID
Automated Data Collection
Easy to Apply in Seconds
Multicolored Visual ID
Minimal User Training
Low Tissue Reactivity
Low Cost Automation
MRI and CT Compatible

Virtual RapID Tag Demo

    Fill out this form and a specialist will contact you via email or phone within 1 business day.

    Virtual RapID Tag Demo

      Fill out this form and a specialist will contact you via email or phone within 1 business day.