Top 10 Cancer Treatment Breakthroughs of the 21st Century

February 12, 2017

Cancer, a class of disease that is characterized by abnormal cell growth, is no stranger to humanity. Researchers have long…

​Primer On Rodent Handling & Identification

January 13, 2017

Scientists and researchers frequently make use of animals as part of their studies, with rodents such as mice and rats…

Genetic Helix

Why Researchers Need to Control Genetic Contamination

November 29, 2016

Researchers take significant steps to limit errors during animal research. They carefully plan sample sizes and other elements of their…

Understanding the Definition Of Humane

November 22, 2016

It’s time to rethink the definition of “humane” when talking about scientific research and lab animals. One of the most…

Tips On ​Creating A Humane Environment

October 7, 2016

There is no doubting the importance of animal research. A great many medical breakthroughs have relied on it. Nearly every…